
Hangzhou Grand Canal Steelworks Park×Budweiser Storm EDM Festival

On May 1-2, 2024, the Budweiser Storm EDM Festival was grandly held at the Hangzhou Grand Canal Steelworks Park, attracting over 30,000 attendees. Even in the rainy Hangzhou, the muddy lawns couldn't dampen the participants' enthusiasm. With the blast furnace as a backdrop, the spectacular performances ignited passion throughout the venue. People gathered on the...

Featured in SF Chronicle : TLS team “Common Ground” vision moves forward

[gallery columns="5" ids="53910"] The Common Ground Team led by TLS Landscape Architecture presented a vision for a “Grand Bayway” at the Resilient by Design Challenge in San Francisco, earlier this year on May 17th. The proposal looks at a resilient future for flood-threatened and congested State Route 37 connecting the northern edge of San Francisco Bay as well...

TLS team “Common Ground” reveals The Grand Bayway for Resilient by Design Challenge

[gallery columns="5" ids="53814,53810,53811,53812,53813"] The Common Ground Team led by TLS Landscape Architecture presented a vision for a “Grand Bayway” at the Resilient by Design Challenge in San Francisco, on May 17th. The proposal looks at a resilient future for flood-threatened and congested State Route 37 connecting the northern edge of San Francisco Bay as well as adjacent tidal...

Boulder Civic Area Phase One Construction Complete

[gallery ids="53742,53748,53747,53745"] Boulder Parks and Recreation celebrated the opening of Civic Area Park's Phase One of construction - the “park at the core” enhancements to Central Park on May 6 2018 with the residents of Boulder. Boulder’s Civic Area, designed by TLS will be the heart of Boulder with nature at its core, flanked by bookends of civic,...

TLS Wins Sanlin Bund Ecological Park International Competition, Shanghai

The City of Shanghai has announced TLS Landscape Architecture, Berkeley, California as the winner of an international competition for the Sanlin Bund Ecological Park in Shanghai, Pudong. This new 241 hectare urban park is part of a key civic initiative encircling the city to create major “Green Lungs” and combat the effects of global warming in...

TLS Wins Shishan Park Competition

TLS recently won the Shishan Park Competition in Suzhou, China. This 74 hectare urban park, featuring an existing historic mountain and a new lake, will create a center of gravity that is both new and also time-honored at the same time to enhance a beautiful and ancient city....