Hangzhou Grand Canal Steelworks Park×Budweiser Storm EDM Festival

Hangzhou Grand Canal Steelworks Park×Budweiser Storm EDM Festival

On May 1-2, 2024, the Budweiser Storm EDM Festival was grandly held at the Hangzhou Grand Canal Steelworks Park, attracting over 30,000 attendees. Even in the rainy Hangzhou, the muddy lawns couldn’t dampen the participants’ enthusiasm. With the blast furnace as a backdrop, the spectacular performances ignited passion throughout the venue. People gathered on the central lawn, and the design of micro topography and large steps around the furnace diversified the spectators’ experience. Despite ongoing construction in many areas of the park, the emerging tree-lined canopy on the central lawn provided an ideal spot for camping and picnicking. Additionally, attractions such as the regenerated garden, the railway track strolling path, and the sunken courtyard of the former iron casting building also drew many visitors for sightseeing and photo opportunities.

图片 ©运河辰祥,朱听雨


大运河杭钢公园 X 百威风暴电音节




The Hangzhou Grand Canal Steelworks Park is designed by TLS and Jiakun Architects. Currently, only the first phase of the park is open to the public during large-scale events. Commercial activities are gradually moving in, and we believe it won’t be long before it officially open its doors to the public. Here are the latest landscape updates from the site.

