TLS + AZPML Win Shenzhen Bay Super Headquarters Central Green Axis Landscape Design with “Super Campus”
TLS Landscape Architecture + AZPML Architecture LTD were announced as the winners of an international competition for the central green axis landscape design of the Shenzhen Bay Super Headquarters Base. The proposed “SuperCampus” seeks to create an interactive model for multi-levelled open space as a collaborative hub of global interconnection. Inspired by the open model of a college campus, it links business and research communities not only with each other but also with Shenzhen’s urban fabric and its ecological systems. “Aggressively biological”, the park is a living organism composed of 4 specific biomes which climb a topography of hills and invade hollows in the below grade layers to create a three-dimensional “campus mesh”.
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A ‘Super Campus’ design by TLS & AZPML wins the Shenzhen Bay Super Headquarters Central Green Axis
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