TLS Wins Changzhou Central Green Axis of Headquarters Economic Zone of Changzhou’s “Two Lakes” Innovation Zone
Recently, TLS won the international competition for the Central Green Axis of Headquarters Economic Zone of Changzhou’s “Two Lakes” Innovation Zone. TLS’s design is based on the concept of a “Growing Green Chain”, creating a central axis that integrates with the Headquarters Economic Zone, linking the lake and the city, ecology and innovation, youth and future lifestyle. The design is in progress, please stay tuned for further information.
国际方案征集相关链接 International Competition News:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/SW2GL6Lctk9fPVDyOLXl-Q
生长的绿链 Growing Green Chain ©TLS
总鸟瞰图(方案过程中)Bird view (in progress) ©TLS
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